A Psychedelic Exploration

The dynamic sense of being alive in uncertainty
Was mastered by some that fervently
Jumped at the opportunity in the midst of chaos
To celebrate the arts and all that god gave us

A quantum soup of consciousness
Is what the courtly queen has promised us
Clothing the planet in numinosity
Fractals dance to her generosity
A neck perfumed in purple spores
Beneath her feet, mycelium snores
Deep caramel hair lucidly swims
When her torso blues, I stupidly grin

Existence is not a riddle to be solved
But an enigma to behold
Beatific, seraphic, redemptive
The beat rebellion took the incentive
To re-explore the ineffable mysteries
Of traditions psychedelic histories
An innocent sense of awe and ecstasy
Pellucid water, infinite empathy
True mother of pearl, Ulysses effigy
Rainbows scintillate, reflect our destiny
Therapeutic insights help our memory
Opening the doors, cleansing us mentally

"Turn on, tune in and drop out."
♠ ♠ ♠
In the second stanza I am referring to magic mushrooms when I mention "her"

Psychedelics have this stereotype that if you have half a mind, you should quickly forget . This stereotype is just as harmful and stupid as calling all people of Jewish descent greedy or money hungry or any stereotype for that matter... For thousands of years humans have used psychedelics such as DMT (active component in ayascha), mescaline (peyote) and magic mushrooms for guidance, inspiration, connection to spirits, mental healing etc. Thankfully the governemnt has loosened laws on these drugs and scientists have now begun scientific research into these psychedelics alleviating mental health problems such as PTSD, depression, anxiety and OCD to name a few. Do yourself a favor and look it up! also check out Terence Mckenna, Aldous Huxley, Timothy Leary and Rick Straussman