Old Me

Hey, It's me

I suppose you're wondering if you'll see me again

The darkness overshadows when and then

So how do I know when I'm me again

Judgmental words are thrown at me telling me that I have sinned

Father forgive me if they win

I pray to you every night asking if i'll see me again

I just want to be the old me again

I'm tired of the judgmental stares and the hatred glares

I want to be the joyful girl who could stand big

There's a block on my mind - telling me what's wrong and right

Is it wrong to want the old me again - because my brain is telling me that I've sinned.

Father forgive me for they have won

My demons consume me whole again

I wish to be...I hope to be

But I know..I know very well

I cannot be the old me again.
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Something that came off the top of my head..nothing great