
20. I went to your room but they'd taken you away. They told me you were hiding under the sheets. I never got to say sorry. I cried.

19. I reached my last nerve and broke her nose. There was blood everywhere. They arrested me because I was staring at it on my broken knuckles and laughing manically.

18. I left with a smile on my face. I still hadn't heard from you in a while and I was relieved. I wasn't sorry.

17. My year kicked off with a malicious Facebook hack that spread all my secrets to my new friends. I cried again. I texted you and told you exactly how I felt about you. A long, malicious, perfectly formed text I'd been itching to write for years. You never wrote back, but I know you read it.

16. I was so glad to finally be away from both you and her that I actually screamed with relief. I hoped never to see you again. I prayed for it all night.

15. I spent my birthday planning vengeance on you for spreading another rumour. I couldn't escape your poison. I drafted a text and stayed up all night dreaming about all the different ways I hoped you'd commit suicide.

14. You made my life hell. The worst year of my life was possibly the one I spent with you and her whilst I was powerless to stop your evil. The fights went on and grudges were held for a long while.
She said the worst thing she ever has to date to me. But I didn't cry. I just thought and thought. I used the anger, stewed in it, because it fuelled me. I wanted revenge.

13. I fell in love with a manipulative girl who flirted with me in front of her boyfriend, who she was only with because I used to have a crush on him. But I knew she didn't mean it. Right?

12. I met two girls who I knew I'd be friends with for a long time. They were sweet and kind of weird, and I loved that. I knew I'd never forget these two girls.