May Be

I'm going numb
I have lost my faith in everything
I can feel my mind shutting down
Even blinking my eyes seems like a struggle; let alone breathing
And it is not because you left me
I never thought you would stay
I have always felt cold
As if God forgot to make me with a hart
But it's their; beating a rhythm under my rib cage
I think it was feelings he left out
That must be it
My unfiltered mouth
Spraying out anything that comes to mind
So I get lost in head phones
Can't go numb when the music makes your body rock
Its the wicked clowns that wake me up
Their horricor giving my hart rhythm to pump to
Maybe I am not so numb
I found a world were everything is wicked
And family can always be found
God didn't make me with out
As you read this what do you feel?
perhaps you feel fine
Or maybe sometimes you get sad
Or Angry with no warning or control
Maybe you feel what you think others think you should feel
Maybe you feel numb too
Maybe you need to feel like you belong
That you are wanted and loved
and if that's so then here you go
An invitation to the Juggalo word