Memory Lane

I live on Memory Lane
You select the scene
I never am the same
You're my everything
I am the old mirror
You the aging face
I only get clearer
You don't leave a trace
I'm the faithful servant
You the master key
I adore your fervent
You don't set me free
I stay in this one place
You visit sometimes
I keep a stagnant face
You have lost your primes
I dance for you and play
You don't watch me now
I fear you'll go away
You ignore my bow
I try to win your love
You just shake your head
I know you're scared, my dove
You will soon be dead
I wait for you all morning
I wait and wait and wait
I knew this day was coming
But now it is too late
I live on Memory Lane
You select the scene
I never am the same
You were my everything.
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem is about Memory Lane, although it's from a different perspective. It's from the perspective of a resident; a marionette dancing for their aging visitor on whom they depend. It also illustrates immortality. Yes, we all die someday, however, our memories continue with others; after we die, the world will continue without us.