The Art of Life

When we are born,
we are a slab of marble;
a clean slate;
a fresh piece of paper;
a brand new canvas.
We are vulnerable and susceptible to the elements.
Throughout the duration of our lives,
we experience hardships and happiness,
pain and privilege,
sincerity and sorrow
and these things may tear us up inside
or fill us to the brim with joy.
Either way, these experiences chisel us,
mold us,
change us,
and teach us.
Whether they hurt or help,
we will never truly understand their importance and appreciate their presence until we are complete;
when we are a masterpiece.
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Art is a way of life. As our world progresses, I don't want us to forget about art, and that we are art. Our lives are works of art and when we reach the end of our lives, we are a masterpiece, framed by a tombstone and a legacy.