Take My Hand

Take my hand victims of hate don’t be afraid
I’ll pull you up and away from this place
Come with me into the night
We will walk down lanes of soft moon light

Come to me lonely souls
Fight for your right to be heard

Open your eyes sunshine
Day light has casts a hazy glow
Were not alone
Others walk this hidden path as well

Put down the knifes that carve your flesh
Sew up the wounds that bleed and fester with loves string

Take their hands
Hold them tight
Reassure the need to stay
For we all fear the fall back into abandonment

Cradle the young left on the streets
Fill their hunger by staying with in arms reach

Let us walk as one
A line that reaches shore to shore
For we are strong and loved
When we remember are hand are linked as one

Let your feet stomp down hate
Your hart sing songs of strength

Don’t let genocide harts think their forgotten
Let them find sanctuary in are rebel arms
For hatred has wounded and scared us all

Take them up and sooth their fears
Listen to their stories of war in time when it seems so unfair

Do not weep alone my loves
Let your tears falls on the shoulders of use that have healed some
Rubbing your back to sooth cocking sobs
We all must weep when things have become too much to bear

For you are not alone nor week
Even when others pass over you as if you’re unseen
So to all my passersby
And you that pray upon the “week”
I can not hate that what you are
But I will rebel agents that what you do

For us who you hate and torment out number you
One day you will feel the wrath of what hate can do

And when you do…………..

Even you may join are line
For even you will cry
Even you will feel alone
Even you will one day want to die

Perhaps you all ready do
Perhaps now you see
We all need love
Love from and for each other

We are human even you