Body Beautiful

You are an exquisite living sculpture,
unto you, my delicate beauty I ingest,
to begin my quest imaging you undressed;
wonderfully made the perfect structure

You’re mesmerizing with power and grace,
beneath thick lashes, glimmering innuendoes,
my desire heightens like musical crescendos;
my fingers cannot resist the urge to trace

The sculpting of your neck and shoulders,
the captivating graceful flair of your hips,
your glistening soft luscious pouting lips;
a stunning sight to the eye the beholder

Moving to your stomach so lean and taut,
then to your backside, round curvaceous dips,
my hands grab your firmness in an iron tight grip;
my heart thumps, my stomach tied in knots

Your toned legs so sexy long and sleek,
so long they go on for days and miles,
oh to touch your thighs and nibble awhile;
I cannot speak my thoughts render me weak
♠ ♠ ♠
The poem speaks for itself