Magic-less Ash

Close my eyes and let the sun warm me
Let its heat seep into my skin
Let the light burn into me
Soak up the powers that are within

They hide magic beneath the street lights
Forgotten tales carved into the walls
I walk alone on rising nights
Seeking answers to the calls

Sapphire shivering in shaking eyes
It hurts when I stare too long
Slowly downing out the skies
Until all the stars are gone

I fall asleep on old park benches
Let the cold cling to my clothes
Drink promises from gone centuries
Use broken promises to compose

Avoiding every stranger I pass
I can only walk alone
Just a touch could be the last
All is safer when I’m on my own

Each human – a burning cigarette
We all decay into ash
We blink and then forget
A different tale in each eyelash

A sad human that walks in the crowds
No one ever does suspect
There are dragons in the towns
Misunderstood and we all regret