
A vast maze of stone,
Endless in its expanse
Of darkness and rock,
Of caves and caverns.

Museums, temples, libraries,
Once-great palaces and richly decorated homes:
They all lie crumbling now.
And why?

Because the people of that city came into the light.
Out of the darkness of their humility
And into the stark brightness of the realization
That they could do anything.
That they were better than anyone.
That they had the right to enslave,
All in the name of their greatness.

Sometimes it is better to remain in the dark
And not know of your power,
Lest the knowledge should consume you
And change you,
And, in the end, kill you and all you love.

D'ni, city of kings,
May we learn well from your mistakes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Inspired by the Myst game series by Rand and Robyn Miller at Cyan Worlds.