
This was meant to be different; this day shouldn’t have come,
Or perhaps it should have but I’d never give up
On the sound of fair colors, on the gleam of your voice,
But said day has been coming, has been closing in on us.

It was simpler than knowledge; it was larger than words,
When my mind wandered closer, I used to think it lost;
But it wasn’t a lost case and it did not take a toll,
It didn’t make me waver, it did not burn my soul.

Though the weight of the world I expect to feel later,
Watch me let go of you, watch me fly and surrender;
I must have closed my eyes for flashbacks wouldn’t enter,
Must’ve turned my back on you, renouncing as your mender.

Don’t you widen your eyes, don’t use treacherous orbs
To have me shackled down as you have always done;
Don’t you pull at my heart, I can see beyond gold,
You won’t break me apart and I’ll forgive your soul.

Others seek for revenge; I just loved you too much,
So no matter what you seemed to be after all,
I was just easy prey; you were sure of your goal,
In the end, broken hearts don’t deserve second thoughts.

So don’t search for repentance, absolution is gone,
In this world there’s no peace after warriors have lost,
In my heart, there’s no need or want or feelings left
After you danced around it, wrecking it in your wake.

Watch the skies smiling emptily, watch the grey turn to black,
Watch the mourners and sinners come across from a bar,
Watch yourself in the mirror every time you need light,
And don’t watch me be consumed by the blackest of nights.