Colors of Love

Colors of Love

-Rehanul Hoque

You are hair I am braid
You are tongue I am taste
You are nose I am nostril
You are teeth I am chewing
You are eye I am eyebrow
You are blood I am flow
You are lips I am smile
You are touch I am feeling
You are pulse I am beat
You are child I am lisp
You are throat I am vocal cord
You are heart I am heartthrob
You are breast I am storm
You are waist I am rhythm.

You are mind I am sky
You are color I am butterfly
You are bird I am wings
You are lush I am green
You are nova I am beam
You are object I am dream
You are honey I am bee
You are flower I am beauty
You are spring I am south wind
You are stream I am tide
You are glow-worm I am glory
You are song I am melody
You are valley I am mountain
You are fire I am flame.

You are pain I am sigh
You are tear I am conscience
You are love I am life.