I Am Another

The world within me is different than reality seems,
outside is different from what my mind sees.
I live my day-to-day life dreading within this reality,
sometimes I pretend I am in another.

I have an image in my head,
different from the one I claim to be.
My mind thinks I am someone else,
believes I'm trapped day-to-day.

My mind says I'm not living free,
at least not as the one who I want to be.
Daily tasks are changed in a part of my mind,
my image swapped to feel comfort.

The perception you see of my image,
is different from the one within my head.
My image to the public says woman,
my mind silently protests I am another.

You see me as one,
I see another.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this about two years ago, about the rough thoughts going through someone's head when struggling with gender dysphoria. It's the only poem I've EVER written so I apologize for the quality.