Wishful Floating

“star light, star bright”
i throw a wish to the sky
words leave my mouth
colors swirling behind
as each word leave
a different color leaves too
swirling and mixing
heading straight for the stars
twisting and turning
glitter tumbling behind
as the wish goes to the stars
the colors pushing it up
the glitter falls down
as if the colors were flames
with glitter as ash
the colors dance away
almost out of view
with one last bright flash
as if to say bye
the last of the wish disappears
♠ ♠ ♠
hey. so im in creative writing and we are on the poetry section..YAY!! so i will be posting what i write for the class on here. and that does for all the things i write. not just the poems.

we had to answer question then use the questions for poem ideas. this is based off of the question "what would a wish look like?"