Things That Involve Hate

I'm trying to write something that doesn't involve hate; anarchist movement
I try so hard to help and listen to others when they have problems; therapists
But when I'm ready to unload every one vanishes; alien abductions
So I just back away and walk through dark halls; segregated
For once I will do the taking and hold you all hostage; bank robber
Just sit back and enjoy the view; panoramic style
But I still have a grudge with every one for no apparent reason; OscarĀ 
The work still turns the same no matter how its view; reality
I try to keep my head up and just move forward; oh the places you will go
The world some times feel more like a stagnant pool; dontas inferno
But out their some were is some good; over the rain bow
A small piece of happiness just for me; disney fairytale
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I was told that this was dark but true Pleas tell me what you think