Bang Bang Bang!

Bang bang bang
And now, see we're all dead
Bang bang bang
Look, I’ve been shot in the head
The world is loud
And we thought it all would end
But bang bang bang
It has now become a trend

A soldier laughs
While he runs for cover
He shoots his gun
And he kills his lover
His nights explode
And there’s ash in his hair
All the bangs echo
Like heartbeats in the air

A plate crashes
As it hits the wall
Shatters to pieces
Don’t need it anymore
Tears dripping drops
A slap bang of a hand
Smile when it stops
On broken plates we stand

A clock tick tocks
As we waste our time
We're all in shock
When we're left behind
Everyone in a race
Not knowing what to do
Every bang put in place
The sky, green, the grass, blue

Bang bang bang
And now, see it's all a joke
Bang bang bang
Look, I've swallowed all this smoke
The world is gray
And we thought it'd never past
But bang bang bang
It's the sound we hear last.