Wedding Clashers

Pre Chorus:
That ring she's been wearing is getting heavy now
When it use to be so light

Now she's ready to rip it off
Take it off, take it all off
She's tired of the neglectict, the hate
It's all she can take
She's tired of the burden and the wait

The ring is getting heavy now
When it use to be so light
Now when it's just you and me
Shouldn't it feel right?

It's been 21 one years
And nothin' has changed
There's been nothing new
He says he likes it this way
Maybe it's time for a drastic change

Being on time, being at the place
Remembering the date
But he says
That he just likes it this way

She remembers the days when she use to keep on waiting
'Cause those days aren't so far away anymore
He keeps on promising this time
He'll be on time

She already knows what she knew
But she keeps on trucking
Putting the keys into the egnision
Awaiting to see him asleep on the coach
Dreaming careless dreams
Just like he has the last 22 years