Divine Vessels

Oh how small and fragile we are!
Dragging our sick bodies to roam the surface of the earth...
while we wonder about the deep.
But the deep is not below our feet,
but it lies above us, where the boundless giants sleep.
And yet we like to believe that we are...
who we are.
That this world revolves around us,
while we're nothing but a tiny fraction of an endless equation.
But to think that with our tiny existence,
with our tiny hands and feet,
and all the sickness that infests us,
that our tiny little brains
could be so small and yet so complicated as to...
to develop a vast immersive image of our perception
of what could be dwelling above.
We are still small...
We are still fragile...
But within our tiny heads we carry the bearer of the omnipresent,
and we became the creatures of the divine.
♠ ♠ ♠
One of my very few free-verses. A recurring theme in my poems and writings is the power of the mind and imagination.