
I don't know who I think I'm fooling,
Acting like I don't care.
When every time you smile,
I lose all sense of despair.
I don't know who I'm trying to convince,
Is it you or is it me?
I know you've caught me staring,
And I don't know why I'm even daring.

I'm falling harder,
I'm falling faster,
I'm falling apart,
For you.
I can't keep my cool,
Even though I keep trying to fool,
Everyone I know.

I 'm falling,
Promise you'll catch me.
I'm falling,
Promise you won't let me.
I'm falling,
Promise it won't be the death of me.

Will you ever learn to keep them?

5/10/13 - 12:05 AM
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments are welcome. You won't offend me.