One day, I hope that you will see
There is nothing wrong with the LGBT

There is no need to run and hide
It's not like they're committing homicide

I am not going against any religion,
I just want to talk about this "sin"

A sin is, in summary, a mistake
Something of which that we all make

So, tell me now,
How is being yourself so wrong?

This, right here, is why teens commit
Because of the hate, you all need to quit

They just want love

That's all they need,
Besides the essentials to live and breathe

The community just wants their rights
To marry the one they love,
It's a beautiful sight

Who they are does not affect your life
Whether he or she has a husband or wife

Remember that your actions come with a consequence
How does it feel to know that
Children are dying because of your ignorance?

It is a matter of opinion, yes,
Whether the community shall wed

But how could you live in a country that is not totally free?

To be completely honest,
You should all be going to Hell

And if I'm being totally platonic,
Send me right down as well

But never give up, hun
You are who you are

Nothing can change that,
You've gotten this far

Be proud of yourself,
And let the world hear it

That you are a homosexual,
And the jerks can kiss it

Someday, though, I just know they'll see
That there is nothing wrong with the LGBT
♠ ♠ ♠
Mostly for the homophobes. All my love goes to the lgbt community ily

Feedback is always welcome:)-carynxo