Forbidden Love

Whispered words and soft kisses
Gentle touches and soft caresses
Everything is so wrong but in this moment...

Years and years apart but the first time we see each other again is like a new beginning
My heart cant stop pounding
The tears in my eyes desperately want to shed
All these emotions are because of you

The love we have for each other is the purest
Soul mates some would say
Neither can have the other
Not fully
Not t ruely
Have to hide
Have to sneak
Have to lie
But its worth it
It's worth the pain knowing we only have a few hours
It's worth the tears knowing you belong to someone else as do I

You feel my pain and I feel yours
You say I will always be your goddess
I'm not much of a goddess
I can't hold you
I can't ease the pain your in
I can't whisper sweet nothings
I can't do anything but watch from afar as another does all the things I wish I could do for you

My heart breaks
Little by little and so slowly
One day when it breaks completely
I will forever be by your side as a goddess should.
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem is inspired of what is happening in my life now. I have a boyfriend and my friend my ex has a girlfriend but all these years and we still have the same feelings for each other though we cant be together.