What Is Pain?

What is pain?
Is it having a loose tooth pulled?
Is it stubbing your toe on the corner of a toybox?
Is it counting to three and finally ripping off the bandaid?
Not exactly...
Is it falling and scraping your knee?
Is it the pull of a pigtail from that one stupid kindergarten boy that always smells of cookies and dirt?
Not really...
Is it falling off your bike?
Is it biting your tongue?
Is it stepping on a lego?
Not even close...
How about being abandoned?
Being neglected?
Being told over and over again that you're too think or too fat?
You're getting closer...
Is it the cuts on your wrist?
Is it the finger down your throat?
Is it the voices that you hear, the tremors that you feel, the things you see that aren't really there?
...How about hearing from the person that you love more than anything say that they don't love you anymore?
Trying to let go of someone that promised you forever?
That's what pain is.
How do you look at the one you love most and tell yourself that it's time to let go?
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The last line is from the movie The Vow- I give credit to the writer of that.