Deathly Love

Suicidal is my Lover, Depression is my sideline.
Loving me comes with many guidelines.
I'm the type of girl who draws sad tribe lines.
My arm is a canvas that my lover tests upon.
Every word and every feeling becomes a piece of art.
Damn, when did all this shit start to spark?
Somehow Suicidal stole my heart, we are til' death do us part.

Well, Sensitivity is my Dr. and Pain is my Prescription.
Nobody would care if I went missing.
Sticks and stones break my bones but your voice pains me more.
I hurt myself, so your voice can be free from my mind.
Only this doesn't work all the time..
Slowly your killing me and it's not a crime.

Praying to God for him to just take me away.
But I am forced to wake up to another day.
I wanted help, I even began to yelp repeatedly.
But no one cared enough to save me...
It was no longer nothing new...
But when I died...
I thought of you...But You had no clue.