The Stars in Your Cells

People find awe in the stars
because they are cold and distant -
and beautiful
so you tried very hard
to make yourself omniscient.
You wanted to become a star
which lovers gaze at
and wondered from afar.
You tried so hard to be stunning
to transform yourself into light
to ascend as a miracle to the night sky.
You hated your body which
confined your starlight to the inside -
of your skin
so you thinned it and drew it open
cut and measured until it was broken -
open like a crimson silhouette.
You loathed the vessel which
trapped you to the ground which
kept you from becoming light which
kept your broken body
from taking flight.
But darling,
don’t you see?
Those stars are collapsing
faster than you are.
Oh wonder,
Oh light,
You are the envy of the stars.