Poem About Me

What am I like
Behind this screen?
Am I mysterious?
Am I friendly?
...Who am I?

Behind this screen, I am a person
Just a regular teenage girl.

I am a hundred and ten pounds
Of mixed emotions
I'm five feet tall
Of mysteries

I am unpredictable.
I will make you laugh, yet I will make you cry
I will lift you up during your darkest days
But I can also destroy you, if I wanted to.

Happy, I am not.
Sad, I am.
But my enthusiasm is contagious

I used to be the "goody-two-shoe"
Now I am an average seventeen year old
Searching for emotional maturity

My hair is black.
Not like the night
But like the kind of dark chocolate that five year olds would make a face at when they tasted it.
It touches my shoulders and hides half of my face.
I like hiding behind it. It is my shield from the world.
So I only have to see half of it.

My eyes glisten with so much courage
Yet so much fear
Dark Chocolate as well.

My skin...
Frail. Light. Ghostly.
Fair complexion
I could blind someone that put light on me.

My lips are full and luscious
Begging for someone's love
Yet chapped and broken...
A lot like myself

My hands and my fingers
Are tiny yet so big
Tiny, because my ring size is a four
Big, because my touch is an impact within itself

My feet are small and slim
Narrow and fragile
A foot that Cinderella's shoe
Would be too big for

My wrists...
Pale, like the rest of me
Yet scarred, also like the rest of me
Inside and out

My eyelashes
Long and black
They resemble a butterfly
With their soft, flawless kisses

My nose
Too big for my face
Just a bubble of imperfection
That cannot be popped


Afraid. Ambitious. Anxious. Amorous. Affectionate. Anorexic
Broken. Bruised. Bulimic. Bullied. Bipolar
Crushed. Confused. Crazy. Codependent
Damned. Dreadful. Doubtful. Different. Depressed. Dependent
Fearful. Fearless. Frightened. Freak.
Generous. Gentle. Guilty.
Intelligent. Impulsive. Indifferent. Inattentive. Insecure. Insomniac. Independent
Loving. Loyal. Lazy. Loser.
Maternal. Mature. Musical. Misunderstood
Nurturing. Needy
Open Minded. Open Hearted. Over the top
Ravenous for perfection
Silent. Small. Stressed. Sad. Still. Scared. Scarred.
Timid. Tiny.
Understanding. Unhappy.
Wishful. Weepy.

... This is me.