
She feels threatened,
because she does not know what he is capable of.
She feels unsafe,
because she cannot predict the future.
She feels scared and targeted,
because the situation has not been resolved.

She feels as though danger can happen at any point.
She anticipates what will happen.
She continues to anticipate what will happen until the situation is resolved.
She is in pain, but not the kind of pain you experience when you stub your toe or are injured.
The pain is mental and emotional.
The girl fights a battle she feels she cannot win.

But she believes there is still hope, despite the fear.
The girl hopes for the best but expects the worst.
She feels prepared, but anxiety still continues to cripple her.
Anxiety forms a wall, not an actual wall but the kind of wall that keeps others away.
Her caution is important and necessary, because sexual harassment is serious.

Despite knowing she has support, she feels like there's no escape.
How do you avoid a person who is in one of your classes?
It turns out there is no way to completely avoid this person.
She must keep a professional and civil relationship with this person,
in order to make class safer.

The girl feels scared, so scared.
If she says or does the wrong thing, that could be reason for things to go wrong.
Doing the wrong thing could be reason for him to target her again or for him to become persistent.
Her fear stems from the possibility of the situation becoming more severe.
Rape, fights, altercations, arguments, and even being forced to do things she is uncomfortable with.
Rape strikes her as the scariest of them all, but she is willing to solve the situation before things get worse.

She feels threatened,
because she does not know what he is capable of.
She feels unsafe,
because she cannot predict the future.
She feels scared and targeted,
because the situation has not been resolved.
♠ ♠ ♠
All of my poems are generally personal, but this poem is the most personal poem I feel that I have written in a long time. If you would like to know details about the situation, you can message me and I might share it with you.
I am currently working on resolving this situation, before it becomes serious and gets bad.

And on a side note, sexual harassment is never okay. Victim blaming is also never okay. If you are in a situation like the one described in this poem, do not feel like you should not speak up. Tell a trusted adult, teacher, or friend, talk to a counselor at school, get help, and definitely notify the person who is harassing you. If you state "I do not want to talk to you anymore. Please do not contact me." the person will most likely get the message. If this person does not get the message, you can file a report to the police for harassment, contact a teacher at a faculty office, or talk to a school counselor about the situation. People who sexually harass others need to know that their behavior is not okay. Do not keep quiet, speak up.