Words From a Scrawny Girl

Don't ask about my weight
Don't ask what I've eaten today
Don't point out my boney wrists
Don't point about the gap between my legs
Don't tell me to eat more
Don't tell me that I need to get meat on these bones
Don't talk about my weight or appearance at all
Don't tell me the risks about my bad eating habits
I know them all
I've been given packets and lectures about it
Don't tell me what and how much I need to eat
Don't say that boys like something to grab onto
Maybe I don't want boys to grab onto me
Don't hug me then point out how many bones you feel
Don't think that only bigger girls worry about their body
Don't say that you would die for a thigh gap because the look does nothing but make questions arise
Don't say that I look sick because I probably am
Don't say that I need help because I already know this
But I don't want it
Don't try to understand
I don't even know
I can't explain something that I thought would've stopped two years ago