
Could I just leave, can I?
Come home and drop everything
Just leave the house and never return
Walk away into the woods into other cities and strange towns
Fall though the cracks and walk faceless though the crowds
To melt into the night like the last streak of sun
Would people notice, would they miss me?
Would they notice when one day someone who knew me so well walks right by
Maybe drops change in my cup, as I stare out so blank faced
No desire no feeling
Would I notice them, would I miss them?
Could I live with no end in sight, season to season, city to city.
By the soles of my feet, and the change in my pocket
No worries beyond eat, sleep, survive,
Nothing beyond the next town, but nothing left behind either
Is there happiness in just living,
Joy in the simplicity or in the small things
The darkness and loneliness are still present
The survival of everyday to much to bear
This life of drifting of a wanderer will it give me peace
Can I leave depression behind with my belonging
The anxiety as well can be forgotten
Are they to much a part of me
Can I leave it behind