My Loss My Gain

The sky is dark in these parts, the darkness spread throughout my heart.
The darkness runs through my veins, it's like being stuck in an endless cloud of rain.
Even though this darkness is consuming me because of her, I somehow still try to keep my promises to her.
She kicked me out her life and broken all ties, I still push myself from behind the scenes to bring light to her life.
I guess I just let some things ruin me, even though you guys will never see what she did to me.
I'll run out of options at some point, she will lash out and my head probably be a gun point.
Fuck I ain't scared to die, if I told you I was it would be a big ass lie.
Instead I like to observe and comprehend the situation, whether how to fix it or just for entertainment.
I admit I ain't perfect I made mistakes, but she doesn't read these or see what I'm trying to face.
Honestly she's just a selfish girl looking for attention, but still doesn't mean I want bad things to happen to her or anybody's manipulation.
She will learn one day, but till then I'll try my best to protect her from a place she doesn't see me