My Anger

My anger is unforgivable, my anger is unforgivable. I have no right or natural cause for it to exists. I have no reason for it to live so well inside of my heart and mind. No reason at all, but yet it still remains. My troubles are over and my war is won. Yet all I feel is the need to spread my fire, the need to watch others slowly roost alive in their own anger and frustration. My anger is unforgivable, it's twisted, bent and hot to the touch. It's the driving force behind me. Pushing me forward, braking the pace of everyone by my side. My anger is unforgivable, this force that knows me so well. It sees my pain and it sees my sorrows, yet all it can do for me is repress, suppress and fragment those pains and force the flames to grow even larger then they already are. My anger is unforgivable but in the end of it all it's the friend I lean so heavily on.