The Real Me

Each time we met,
we ended up in each other's arms.
Not because we were in love,
but because we were lonely
and driven by lust.

You accepted me for who I was;
an empty and lost woman,
and I accepted you for who you were;
a difficult man.

I knew it was wrong,
yet why couldn't I end it?
It was strange,
but at least,
you could forgive me for who I really was.
♠ ♠ ♠
No matter how wrong it was, he accepted her for who she really was.

This was inspired by the love scene of episode twenty-five of the anime called NANA. It's about the relationship Komatsu Nana has with Ichinose Takumi, and it's written from Komatsu Nana's point of view.

Alternative titles that I had in mind for this were:
A) Who I Was
B) Nana's True Self