Society's Parasite

When you are huddled between the sheets
Falling into a deeper pit of sorrow
Your brain starts to tear itself to pieces
Every breath is excruciating
Your lungs feel like they will collapse

You are infested with a parasite
He is known as the wringer of life
With his voice he tells you secrets
“Everyone is your killer,
They don’t want you
They don’t need you.”

At first that voice is crazy
Holds no meaning but a silly imagination
But then time passes

And his voice sinks in
“You are worthless
You are nothing
You are a bother to everyone.”

You try to scream out
You may even succeed
But no one will notice
They will only frown and reply,
“Now that’s just nonsense
Stop begging for attention.”

So you’re left with a disease
One that eats at your mind
That is the fate of all with this parasite
You see?

Of course once you are infected
It is too late
No human believes you
Society hides your soul in the closet
For that’s what they wanted
This sickness is their creation

So you reach for the knife
Or the rope
Or the bottle

You may write down some of the words
Some of the words your little bug said
Ones you shouldn’t have to mean
Have to ever say at all

Leave them for the living
Warn them of this parasite
That steals the breath of the happy
By eating their resolve

And take the precious thing that is all yours
Take It from the living
And dive deep into the world of death
An attempt to find your worth