Freddy's in the Kitchen

Parody of "Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah"
Five Nights at Freddy's

I'm in the kitchen with Freddy.
He's probably going to eat me.
I'm in the kitchen with Freddy,
who's strumming on the old bango.

And singing, I am going to kill you.
My friends will probably join us too.
I'm going to fucking kill you,
And stuff you in an old bear suit.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this last week before Halloween when I was really excited to have my friends play a horror game (and get scared the crap out of). When I was first playing it, I was singing Someone's in the Kitchen with Dinah when someone was making noise and I was like humming and came up with these lyrics. Mainly because he killed me on the fifth night at 5 am (the jerk.) But anyway, just something silly I was doing.