I Am Fake

I am fake. You toy with my head like it means nothing. My heart, my emotions, my very being means nothing to you. As long as you can feel that power, the knowledge that I will do anything for you, just because you tell me to. I hate you. You are spawned from the Dark One himself. The angels are laughing, they do not care. It’s all lies! Heaven. Hell. It is a fantasy. I have wished and wished for an angel to save me. To take me and make it better. I have wished for the demons, His dark legion to make me theirs and remove me. Yet still I am here. But no more. If the afterlife will not remove me I shall remove myself.

This pain, this hurt. My angel has left. I said I do not believe and she obeyed. Now I am alone. Her perfect wings no longer shelter me from this storm. It is cold and I am crying yet she is not here to comfort me. This is my fault and I have no-one. I wish to gaze upon her beautiful form just once more. Always believe that angels are the most beautiful creatures.

This anger, this hurt. The demons came whispering words of malice in my ears. Telling me that I am alone and should join them to survive. I believed. And now they laugh too, at me, at my stupidity. I only wished for someone to show me what to do. The fires of hell no longer warm my cold, aching body. I bleed yet no-one is here to help me.

So here I lie, broken and bleeding. Let down and hurt. Where I go I know not, but one thing is certain, I shall not survive this night. I only hope that where ever I may go from this life it is warm and happy. Free from pain and anger. I have seen my share of everything this world has. I am weak. I leave without the knowledge that I have tried my best in all I have done. My last thoughts are that if I could just hold on it will get better. But it is too late. I am gone and all that shall remain is the cold corpse of Santiago Hellfire. The sinner who no-one cared about. She is dead.