Needle in a Haystack

Distant as the stars on a wintry night,
Shrouded in fog, you remain out of sight
The winter winds sigh as the light leaves the sky
And I'm left with little thoughts of you to keep my love afire

I yearn to be charmed, to be wooed
Like every young maiden should
Yet my soul's gone brittle and old
And long gone is my maidenhood

What now do you see
in this wrinkled soul of mine?
Bitter, not sweet
I see nothing divine

Prove me wrong, I so implore
You who claims me to be the one you so adore
Have my eyes failed me, or have my senses dulled,
that I can no longer see the woman you so love?
♠ ♠ ♠
I haven't updated in so long. I still hope this poem is appreciated though. For those who wonder why it's entitled "Needle in a Haystack", it's because the persona of this poem believes that this search for what she might have lost sight of would be like looking for a needle in a haystack for her lover, and herself especially. And of course, what they find, like a needle, may cut or prick themselves if it's not properly handled.