The Tears of an Unappreciated Girl

The tears that fall are tears no one sees.
These eyes that are wet and weary.
She hides how she really feels.
She hides the hurt she indures.

The tears that fall from the things that are said.
These eyes become lost and eary.
She tries to fake a smile.
She tries to forget pain.

These tears fall on white sheets.
Theses eyes closes and become concealed.
She hopes for a better tomorrow.
She hopes for a new life.

These tears are regretable.
For these eyes wish to see no more.
She lies in the shadows.
She lies in her sorrows.

These tears that begain to fall uncontrollably.
For her eyes cant hold them back no more.
She fears that nothing will change.
She fears that this will always be the life she will live.