From a Happy Girl

the girl you see standing here is lying
this is her facade
its not who she really is
you see a smile glued to her lips
and the brightness of her liquid eyes
so filled with life's possibilities
you don't look any closer
its a human trait
you take things at first glance as how they truly are
and thats what she wants
she doesnt want you to know
so she only succumbs to her monsters
when moonlight is leaking through her curtains
those bright eyes fill with ocean water
and their lights go out
her smile turns into screams pressed into a pillow
so this is her last adventure
because shes tired of pretending
shes just going to sleep
shes just so tired
and tomorrow when you all hear
you’ll be so shocked
she was happy
she was so happy
your whispers will turn into a terrified roar
if she couldn't handle it, this happy smart girl
what did that mean for the rest of you?
but you don't know the whole story.
you saw the cover and didn't bother to read the rest of the book
she tried so hard to hide it
and it worked
but it didn't change her truth.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please leave me comments on this or the original... <3