They Aren't My Family Anymore...

When people say the word Family,
You expect happy thoughts to fill your mind...
The days at the beach,
The nights in together,
Always there by your side...

But when people say that word to me,
A black cloud fills the sky,
Raining punches and nightmares,
The thoughts flood back,
Diseasing my brain...

The holiday snaps come back,
Perfectly framed in the foreign sunlight,
The smiles hiding what really happens...
The crying. The pain. The suffering.
I have been cursed with a family that don't love me...

A crack. A scream. The blood. The tears.
The bloody trenches on my wrist telling a different story,
Than what my mouth tells my friends...
They don't suspect families to die...
Well take a look at mine...and tell me it's still true...

An awesome day out,
With people I couldn't live without...
The rumble of my phone across their table...
The roar of their voices down the phone...
I know I'm done for now...
I step through the door,
My eyes red from make-up much to be desired...
Coming face to face with a war...
And a fist.
No-one can save me now...

'Had fun?' Is the question I laugh at...
No matter where I go,
They always seem to ruin it...
They don't want me to be happy.
They don't like who I am.
They never will.
They will never accept me for what I am...
I count down days till my freedom...