Biting the Bullet

Like a bullet she entered your mind
Silver plated and heavy and fine
Gunpowder kisses left on your cheeks
Residue from the feeling for weeks
You came and you went and you saw
Your love would conquer it all
Always packing, she by your side
Conceal to carry, no, no reason to hide
Now I came and I wagered this bet
About just how tough it would get
And you put your money on her
Because crazy comes with a hair trigger
Deafened by the rounds she shot
You don't know if she's crazy or not
Though it's obvious to the whole town
All you know is you can't put the gun down
Waiting for your pistol whipped kiss
You're her target, you know she won't miss
And this is as sad as it gets
Because the crowd is placing their bets
Against the blind man playing Russian Roulette