Skin and Breasts

Skin stretches
and the marks vary
some are bigger than others
some are purple and some are pink
but they are not shameful
they are like a tiger who has earned their stripes

Breasts sag
and sometimes one is bigger than the other
nipples come in many sizes and colors
some are shy (inverted) and some are confident (perky)
sometimes breasts have stretch marks
because they grew really fast or they got really big
and that's okay
because they aren't shameful
they make you unique

Butts come in all shapes and sizes
round and small, flat and big
no butt is the same
no butt is ideal
your butt is ideal
because your butt is cute
and no one can tell you otherwise

Not all skin is smooth
sometimes it's lumpy
and sometimes it's a little discolored
But that's normal
thighs aren't meant to be smooth twigs
they are meant to be meaty and have the ability to crush your enemies
birthmarks and freckles are awesome
and shouldn't be covered with makeup
or hidden
because they aren't embarrassing
they are natural
and they make you awesome
(more awesome than you already are)

Feet are weird little things
toes that can be long or stumpy or skinny or plump
sometimes feet have little deformities
like how the bone sticks out underneath the big toe
and sometimes a little bit under the pinkie toe too
and it's normal
sometimes feet are sexy
and sometimes they smell funky
but your flaunt your feet
even if you hate your second toe
or that little bone that sticks out too far
because when you wear those cute open toed shoes
all of those girls will look at you with envy

Your body is beautiful
And you shouldn't be self conscious about it
because it's perfect

You are unique
You are worth it
You are beautiful