Soul of a Wolf

The misty forests of my mind wrap my form in grey,
Its twisting ever curling branches sweep low in the breeze,
moving as if some unseen giant is sighing hidden in the gloom,
Softly the shadows call to me from within the silent scene,
And whispers gently caress the rising gooseflesh of my skin,
I know you're here, my guide, my protector,
Though I cannot see you with human eyes, I focus on what's beneath the physical and hold out my hands to you,
And soon I'm welcomed by a familiar tingle as your energy brushes mine,
So soft, so strong, so utterly protective,
Possessive but without an ounce of threat,
I close my eyes and see your beauty and once again gasp in wonder,
My wolf, my heart, my very essence is reflected in your gaze,
And I bow to such magnificent power and the surety of our bond,
I am you, you are me, we blend and stand as one being,
I feel the beautiful energy of you flow within my veins and lift my head,
Exhilarated I voice a howl of joy and pure delight,
And with you forever a part of me I bound into the night