I'm Not Lost Without You Anymore

All people want in life is to not walk the streets alone.
When you find someone who changes you the way she changed me,
loneliness is not your concern anymore.
You walk the streets with your head down and your heart dragging along your feet.
She is on your mind.
Even if you won't admit it,
even if you try to forget it,
she's there.
Not only do you fabricate her perfections,
but now you get cold chills down to the bone on finding someone new.
Your thoughts feed your mind with intoxicating amount of anxiety.
How do you know the next person your with will not ditch you like her?
She left you alone to go through these cluttered thoughts of your purposes and intentions.
She left you to feel like you were not good enough.
You can not have her take your happiness away because of her choices, You tell myself.
But then that does not mean that you don't sit here still trying to figure out why you let this person control my whole meaning of life.
So now you sit here on the same sidewalk you were dragging your heart along on,
and stare upon the mists of the blue and black sky.
You have to keep your head up now, because you are all that you have.
She made the mistake not you.
Now it is time for you to move on.