I Don't Want to Be in the Middle, but Someone Should Tell Her

There once was a boy,
who had his arms with a sweet girl.
She wore ruby red lipstick.
Claimed to be his whole world.
Every day,
Just as lunch arrived.
Kisses they shared,
sitting just behind
a large building
where couples sat.
His heart would always.
Be in her hat.

Then one day,
that boy was arranged
to sit next to his school's
beauty and brains.
Curly hair and beautiful smile
An opportunity all males saw
was way more than a mile.

This boy swayed
and this boy woo'd
over the small girl in which everyone drooled
But what to do about this small girl
when the gal who wore lipstick,
was his "whole world"?

He soon grew unhappy,
when her bright ruby red
lips touched his.
Lunch was now to dread.
Instead of insisting
that she was his whole world.
He started thinking of another girl.

Everyone knew,
even her close friends.
But Ms. Ruby Red believed
those eight months wouldn't end.
Soon that young love became just a dream.
Because the young boy and small girl.
Were now her enemies.

"We argued a lot."
He ensured the kind siren
"It wasn't you,
she'd hit on my friend."
Soon that guilt,
had faded away.
And now her new love,
Had caught her daze.
That girl in ruby red,
was seen as a bitch.
When she was so innocent,
that words made her flinch.

Now the small girl,
and young boy are happy.
This may seem a bit twisted,
and a little bit sappy.
But I find this sad,
that she doesn't know,
that he's another person,
but it doesn't show.

"He's changed a lot."
Many people claim.
"He touches me..
and his girl should be ashamed."

Rumors have come about,
spewing along
from other people's mouths.
Even though he views
as her feelings too little...
I do not want
to get in the middle.

There is one rumor,
of her clothes being on,
but his were unzipped,
and she swallowed his son.
But the thing that makes me cry,
is that sweet girl,
wasn't with her guy.

So much went on,
that she doesn't know.
He's not the person,
that he tries to show.

You don't have to believe me,
you don't have to say,
"This weirdo sent me a poem."
To him
every day.

Just be careful.
You're a sweet, innocent girl.
I'm sorry to say.
Don't be sure you're his world.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm debating on if I should send the small girl this. All what happens in this poem is true.