Just a Girl

a girl with a sinners heart
everything she wants to say
everything she feels
locked inside her head
no way to get them out
they say she's only ordinary
tan skin with white lines
blue eyes rimmed in red
hands that shake
while her tongue doesn't want to speak
underneath those jeans are stories never to be told
on her arms are stories you'll never understand

she's just a girl
someone to go unnoticed
always the second choice
she's ugly they say
just another disgrace

her hair in her face
while her head is bowed down
she can't even look them in the eyes
keep walking she tells herself
unwelcome tears fall down her face
cause she knows she's just a girl
someone to go unnoticed
to go unwanted
someone to be thrown away

I'm just a girl
someone to go unnoticed
always the second choice
im ugly they say
just another disgrace

the bed is her only comfort
the one thing that loves her presence
wrap the blanket over her body tight
maybe it'll protect her from the nightmares to come
she's just a toy in a game
used then thrown away
people come and people go
it's only her
in a world full of people
maybe the end will come soon
that's what she wishes for on a star
while others wish for more than what they have

she's just a girl
someone to go unnoticed
always the second choice
she's ugly they say
just another disgrace

they call her a whore
laugh in her face
say she's stupid
she'll never be anything
when all she wants to do is please
a man took her innocence away
took her self esteem with it
stole every innocent piece of her
and left her to suffer
only if they knew she says
then they'll understand
her hearts broken
her nights are long
staring at a wall saying "why?"
her past has a hold on her
she's incapable of being loved

she's just a girl
someone to go unnoticed
always the second choice
she's ugly they say
just another disgrace

her hearts a cold stone
no room to bare anymore
she pushed away her love
cause she knows she's just a disgrace
just a toy to be played with
emotions are nonexistent
she says goodbye to it all

she's just a girl
someone who wants to be loved
even if the world calls her a disgrace
she needs the pieces picked up
a broken heart for sale
but there are no buyers
one day
just one day maybe they'll be one
then she won't just be a girl
she'll be a survivor