I Am, Whatever You Say I Am. If I Wasn't, Then Why Would I Say I Am?

Scorning, scorching, sordid

a pre-apocalyptic reproach

not even the dirt on your shoe

every living being but one has retracted the irreverence at my flippant finicky uncoil

when I was feeding your needs I was useful, when I was feeding

your picturesque intrigue I was resourceful

but now it unfolds Im not just a mask which encapsulates your ignorant imaginations possibilities


Oh dear,

I am a




Thing? I am the mother fucking prodigy you insufferable cunt.

Did you like me while I was modest?

Good. Because you're the reason Im fucking not.

A wise man once said if somethings not working for you change what YOU are doing.

And so I did. I cried on this mimicked porcelain for far too long. Blood cells alight with pain, and betrayal, and child like confusion.

Too many fucking times has that stainless steel peeled open my very soft HEMS for you

my blood sheds

And my god you don't even know

You don't even recognize it.

When am I going to find a god forsaken SOUL that SEES the very challenge it is for someone like me

to reveal whats






What is fucking C R Y I N G inside of me

W E E P I N G inside of M E

like crumbling angels on stolen land

To know me.

Your boring life, it lacks substance and

did someone

also wise

once say

They're scared of us.

Because they know we can survive.

I embraced you in my REDEMPTION and what do you give to me?

You give me dwindling hours and star crossed comparisons.

What you give me is a hard earned ticket for your own rewards.

And what did I reap?

Tell me, who did I reap?

Ill show you a fucking reaping.

Im going to haunt your every dream bitch.

And the last thing you'll see is a hallucination of me

sitting on your washer, laughing

My mocking will be a gift.

Lights out.