If I Were With You

If I were with you,
I couldn't keep my eyes off you.
I'd watch everything you do,
Watch everything you are,
And learn everything about you.
The way you move,
The way you look,
The way you are;
I couldn't keep my eyes off you.

If I were with you,
I couldn't keep my hands off you.
I'd touch every bit of your face,
Learning how to touch you right,
In all of the right places.
Your favourite place,
Your favourite way,
Your favourite sound;
I couldn't keep my hands off you.

If I were with you,
I couldn't keep my smile from you.
You'd make me smile at all you do,
Laugh at things you say,
Smile at all you are.
The way you smile,
The way you act,
The way you laugh;
I couldn't keep my smile from you.

If I were with you,
I couldn't keep my love from you.
I'd love everything you are,
And everything you do,
And everything you say.
The way you hold,
The way you touch,
The way you love;
I couldn't keep my love from you.

If I were with you,
I couldn't ever leave you.
You are everything I want
And everything I think I need.
The way you smile,
The way you'd kiss,
The way you are;
I couldn't ever leave you.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was just sitting one day, and this popped into my head. So I just ran with it!