Thankful for the Quietest Echoes Inside My Head

Though it fills me with dread
I should probably tell you
I was once dead

Until one day something new came to me
At first I ran scared afraid of what I did not know
But now I stand tall like you've taught us all along

Today was no different not good not bad
I tell ya sometimes it's like I'm sleepwalking down a sempiternal never ending road
And just when I think I'm fine the snakes start to sing
But then as my thoughts continue to creep I end here
Where is here it's a place made for "misfits" as we're called we're weird, loud, obnoxious, stubborn, intelligent, strong, broken, loving, untrusting yet most certainly the most trust worthy of friends oddly enough

I run I've ran I'm running

You stopped me

You turned me back to the world of recovery

You've saved me three times and you never even knew

Well this time you do so I just wanted to say thank you
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I finished it almost in tears and I feel I owe Mrs. JamesMalow something but honestly this was all I could do and it's not even through in case you wanna find the inspiration enjoy I know I am