The Epiphany of Love.

There are a few things i have come to term with never letting anyone know.
The most troubling is the perception of love.
People have come to categorize love, in the groups as right or wrong.sane and twisted, good and bad.
but love is love not matter the misconception of girl and boy, boy or boy, brother and sister.
People are impartial , they think of the unexplainable as taboos, the unknown.But for those, the ones as such to be able to see a person not as a sister, or brother, mother or father, as so but as a lover, to have lust , is real.
But Love is love, though it be, love gay love or incest love, love is love, through the twisted and dark.
Love is categorized in so much, yet it is only one.
love is love.
It is kind,
yet is is also

I have come to learn that the emotions of all can be summed into one, Love
even one such as hate. for to hate you must first love.

Love is a black cat in the ally, ready to pounce. Yet it is also like a cereal killer, breaking one up, cutting it into pieces slowly watching it in agony then finally killing .

Love is something everything has.
The trees,
even demons.
And through my life i have learned love is sneaky,and often plays tricks like a child,it is clumsy, revealing itself in everything.
Animals having the thorough understanding of the meaning of love.
yet humans are the only creatures that are oblivious to the meaning of love.
And that, that is perfectly fine.

love is simple
yet it is complicated.

and we, with all our intelligence do not understand the between.

the between of simplicity and complexity of love.

Love is Devynn.

we are oblivious to what we can not comprehend.
That is why even for love we create the unloved.

yet they are
two in the same.

The Unloved.