Seven Days

Day one
The wait has just begun
Nerves crazed, feet pacing
Heart pounding, mind racing
Hopes high
Read, but no reply

Day two
Nothing I can do
Over thinking, hands shake
Check again, just have to wait
Let out a sigh
Read, but no reply

Day three
It's New Years Eve
Clock strikes twelve, I relent
Tears linger, message sent
A feeling of dread

Day four
Check once more
Minutes slow, hours long
Sad lyrics, singing along
Three pm, still in bed

Day five
Hopes die
Active Now, exit chat
Netflix on, alone, I sat
Was it something I said?

Day six
I'm feeling sick
I fucked up, pushed too hard
Never should've let down my guard
Myself, I abhor

Day seven
Learned my lesson
Online for hours, not a word
Not coming back, don't be absurd
Hopes now rotten
I've been forgotten