
I try so hard to earn your heart,
But you cascade away from me.
Not once did you ever decline,
Nor did you answer my call.

Love is confusing, I know.
I'm trying to understand too.
Whatever I have inside of me,
I know its all for you.

The details...exceed my vocabulary.
I know that...I want you next to me,
Whether we lay together in bed,
Or in death.

It terrifies me to say these words,
But please know that I love you.
You're the reason why I survive.
There is nothing else above you.

I can't control what I don't understand,
So this love for you may be free and wild.
And I know you feel similarly.
I'll wait for your heart's call,
And answer generously too.
♠ ♠ ♠
For this contest.